Androy Lounge
1213 Tower Avenue Suite 3
Superior, WI 54880
Douglas County
Phone: (715) 394-7731
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by suneel t. on
I really enjoy house and Cielo's sound system hits the spot for me. They've  had artists I'm familiar with every now and then which is encouraging. For the $25 admission fee, I'd consider it more of a ticket to a show than a cover charge if you end up having to pay it. The crowd is pretty mixed but definitely outclassed Pacha and Pink Elephant, not that it's hard to do. Definitely a lower creepazoid ratio present than those two spots and nowhere near the cost or hassle in terms of admission... hmm. Drinks were pricey but I expected it for anything remotely nice in meatpacking.
by Myles Muchmore on
4 stars... You would have got 5, but I felt like I was in a sweat shop.  Put some fans that actually push air around in that place! The music was really good last night. And yes, if they would have played Prince while I was there, I would have gotten up in that cage.
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