1631 North Decatur Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89108
Clark County
Phone: (702) 647-1178
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by John T. on This place could easily be 5 stars. I've been to a LOT of utter shit comedy clubs and sets, so the standards were shifted, but compared to those, this was INcredible 5 stars. I'm a tough critic but it ROCKED. I went ot Sex, STandup, Rock n Roll. Met phil (the host) 2 years ago when he was formulating this comedy-sex-rock evening. It was awesome! The best comedian imho, by far was Chris Delia. My comedy style would be very similar to his. A lot of the times, I get clients that focus on me. They say things like "your so happy. an honor and a privilege" (great compliment) or His style of comedy (visceral, intelligent, observant, intense, carnal) frickin ROCKS!!!!!!! Awesome hysterical material. I'm a lifecoach, but I did a few open mics and had a bringer at Ha-ha. My comedic style would be/is very similar to yours (although not as polished obviously). I utilize accents A LOT in my work (british, scottish, irish, australian ftw). German KILLED!!!!!! That was AMAZING material man. Honestly most comedians I witness it's painful because they use the stage to do therapy, or to build confidence. Hell I don't mind being someone's shrink, or helping someone get a confidence boost, but when I go to a fucking comedy club I wanna fucking laugh. Chris's material made me laugh, mate. AWESOME!!!!!!!! Brilliant material, so rad. Keep going with your success. -- John
by Heath Konkel on Imagine the scene in Blade when the blood starts flowing out of the sprinkler system and the only one who isn't a vampire and getting off on it is you! That's how I felt when I went to this overrated pile of shit. Luckily, I happened to be with 3 gorgeous women who invited me into this place or else I'd probably be waiting outside still (I'm very uncool). Once inside, I was deafened by some of the loudest and worst music I've ever heard. I could feel my eardrums being destroyed each second I was bombarded by their terribly designed sound system. For this kind of volume the place should have been about 10 times the size...e.i. a real "dance club". The place is small with low ceilings...what do you think would happen? The crowd was extremely young, which is fine, and may explain the inexperience in knowing how to appreciate a good club from a bad one. The worst is hearing people talk about how they spent $500 for table service which translates to: 'I just spent $500 for a bottle which cost $65 in a store and got a two bottles of juice/soda and a bucket of ice to mix with it. Aren't I cool?'. Dumb fucks! Are you serious? The place is well decorated with what seemed to be fine leather furniture. However, every girl I saw in the place was taking turns dancing on it with their high heel shoes and spilling their drinks on it while guy after guy did stuff to them I'd rather not repeat. Can you say "self-respect"? Maybe if I was 21, had mommy and daddy's money to burn and was a total sheep I would enjoy this place. However, that's not my life and I'm grateful for that. Keep thinking you're original and cool and enjoy this club as it robs you in every way imaginable.