by Jenn D. on Ages ago I asked a friend, hey - you know anyone who wants to start a Rockabilly band? He told me to start hanging out at the Star Bar. A year later I played my third rock and roll show ever in this awesome little bar. It's hard to write a review of a place that's made you feel at home for almost 6 years, though that's hardly a long time in the history of the Star Bar. This is the kind of club I want to visit and play shows in in every town. It's a great hang out, it's a great place to play. Like I said in a previous review, generally it's hard to separate how you feel about places you play and hang out at regularly. If it's good one way, it's generally good the other. You're going to hear some of the best bands no one has heard of here, anything Americana, rock, rockabilly, hipster bands, rock nerds and more. They have great special events, booking the best lineups of local, regional (and national) bands. They also have some of the best sound for a small club that I've ever experienced. It's appreciated from both the player and patron perspective. I also love hanging out on the back patio outside and talking out musical ideas and catching up with friends in the downstairs bar. You also can't miss the Elvis shrine, for the just plain awesomeness of it and for the memories and life that have been shared in that little corner of the bar. I have to admit it - I love you Star Bar. Please don't ever go away.
by Ike Ganes on i really used to like cuba. but getting kicked out for no real reason pisses me off. you get kicked out for licking a waitress or acting a fool. not for having glassy eyes. they did away with the sugar cane stick too. there's another star. boooo! i'll stick to habana to get my mojito fix.