by david m. on This place is disgusting. Maybe I don't believe in hell in the religious sense, but this place would make Dante cringe. My idea of a good night does not include pushing my way through a crowd of sleezy, sweaty club goers. Nor does it include spending the rest of the weekend trying to recover my self-respect. If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of getting dragged to this dump, coat yourself in purell. Otherwise, chances are good that you'll catch an airborne VD. I will never step foot in this place again... if not for my sanity, for my health.
by Darin Ifantides on One of my favorite weekend haunts in the city, SOB's is low-key, unpretentious and all about the music and dancing. Generally speaking, don't come unless you plan to dance (very hard). I was at the Plumm this past Friday and couldn't believe how shy the "exclusive", made-it-past-the-door crowd was! Folks might have made it past the door but they all seemed to have 2 left feet! People sat around while the DJ played fantastic music. What's the point of going to a club if you don't dance? Why not just head to a bar or lounge? Anyway, SOB's will have none of that. Generally speaking, the music is about rhythm and designed to move your body. From bhangra to salsa, it gives you a taste of some of the best international music from around the world.