15646 East Leffngwl Road
Whittier, CA 90601
Los Angeles County
Phone: (562) 943-0749
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by Wade Hoysock on Went to this lovely little upper west side spot with two coworkers (think they were secretly really on a date and I accidentally came along). Passed deliciously smelling outdoor restaurants along the way, so my expectations were high and my grumbly stomach was working overtime. Entered, turned out we needed reservations and SURPRISE! Tonight was a popular night. But since we were early, we quickly found some seats at the bar where yes, you can order from the full menu. The bartendar was friendly and SURPRISE! NYC student discounts. Holla! I'll take my 10% anyday. Now the food and yes, drinks are quiiiiiite pricey so I definitely new Grumbly Stomach wanted something worthwhile. I debated the burger but it not being a football game day, I went with the quite classy Warm Goat Cheese salad. Mmm. Our bartendar aka waiter took pity on our poor and hungry teacher stomach salaries and quickly ushered out some bread which came with garlic infused olive oil, some olives, and butter. Not bad. Not bad. Food came in a nice amount of time (I meanwhile, had a $12 cosmo to sip on to pass the time) and everything looked quite sizeable. Thank. Goodness. Now this salad. DELISH! The carmelized onions were a nice touch. The goat cheese actually came slightly melted on little toast-ettes (I'm blanking on the actual name, but you get the point) and the dressing was just nicely done. I scarfed it down. Mmm. I get all the way to Last Bite #2 and notice "Hmmm...I don't remember there being black pepper in this salad....why that's an awfully large piece of black pepper..." Ummmmm, yeah....it was a fly. And not just "a fly." One of those gigantuam "I made the flight over here from the Amazon and cannot possibly breathe here in this New York City smog and will find myself a nice burial place here in this delicious warm goat cheese salad" type of flies. G.R.O.S.S. I of course was still mid chew with Last Bite #2 and couldn't actually picture myself spitting into the fabulous Upper West Side cloth napkins so put my hands over my mouth and tried my best to chew and keep everything in. Alright, now we've ventured into TMI. But the bartendar/waiter seemed equally grossed out, so much so that he ended up taking $2.75 off of my salad. What a guy! In other aspects, the music and acoustics was pretty fabulous and the overall atmosphere was pretty comfortable and welcoming. Great date place actually. Minus me being on a secret double date with my chosen companion being a fly.