Anker Inn
11008 Highway 133
Cassville, WI 53806
Grant County
Phone: (608) 725-5514
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Oksana w. on
Went for my friend's 40th birthday, after serious hesitation. I was kind of surprised, I ended up having a blast. Very humane and friendly treatment by the bouncers - albeit we had a table service. They wished us a good night and asked if we had a good time at the exit - rarity amongst the night clubs, but such a simple and effective touch. Great incorporation of dancers/acrobatics. Place is not claustrophobic and crowded, plenty of space to move and dance around. One major and one minor issues. Major: around 1:30am , when alcohol service stopped, our table still had some drinks left by the people who were on the dance floor. Some huge dude came and just grabbed everything and took it away. I mean, we already paid for the drinks. More, I was standing nearby holding my drink in my hand. He just grabbed it OUT OF MY HANDS. I tried to stop him but he just kept walking away. Very annoying. A minor issue, and it is a personal preference in music. DJ's were not outstanding. One (DJ Chuckie) just talked god damn too much interrupting music and the dance flow. Maybe I just don't like trance that much. Overall - good times and would definitely recommend to go. Get a table service, guard your drinks, and research who's playing.
by Shawnna Greenlief on
If you want to hang out with ghetto people and get your stuff stolen, then this is the place for you!
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