by Ellis Rawls on
Allow me to preface this review by saying I am the worst bowler I know. Furthermore I don't really enjoy the game. Maybe my distaste stems from a traumatic upbringing when it seemed like every other month little Tommy or Stevie would have a birthday party at the lanes. 300 New York shattered the images that had been burned into my mind's eye as a child of what a bowling alley meant aesthetically. I remembered bowling alleys to be analogous to casinos; places that people went to chain smoke, drink heavily, and waste time and money on degenerate habits. *It should be noted that I am somewhat of a clean freak and these Lebowski-like bowling alleys were the antithesis of the word. Not to mention the ungodly fear of procuring athlete's foot upon lacing up those silly clown shoes. Why not just infect me with the plague? Alas, 300 New York. Clean. Purposely dim-lit. Large. Almost lounge-like. So this is what bowling in the 21st century is like? I was cajoled into coming here as a "team-building exercise" with other excel monkeys. Now, I initially politely declined, but then these chimps played to my competitive nature and essentially forced me to participate. Needless to say my trash talking was on point all night and I didn't break triple digits (yes, I am a little Sally). As for the place: we had pitcher upon pitcher of beer, shots of patron, and appetizers galore. The food wasn't delicious, but the alcohol made it seem better than it truly was. There were ample flat screen televisions, music blasting, a light show that would make the creators of lite-brite cry, and electronic scoring (no more markers and elementary school projectors). I probably wouldn't have come here if the company hadn't paid for it because it is in the ballpark of outrageous boku $$$. However, I must admit it was a good time. One of the only negatives to this place is its location. I had to walk serious blocks to get back to any subway (drunk).
by Tyler D. on
Place is decent, but doesn't really meet the expectations set from the countless "pre-opening" this, "grand opening" that invitations that were sent out in recent weeks. Place is dark. Real dark. Like they're trying to save on electricity or something. The glass / fenced smoker's prison right by the front entrance is horrifying and looks totally demeaning. They should show it on an anti-tobacco commercial. Reminds me of the cells used to house the immigrants in "Children of Men". I was expecting to see a TV report on a flat screen inside the bar that talked about the death of Baby Diego. The clincher, of course, is always the crowd. In this case, it consisted of a jumbled mess of balding dudes in pony tails, a ridiculously drunk fool in a backwards baseball cap who was eventually escorted out of the place for being a total belligerent, a bunch of 40-50 year old dudes in sport coats who should have been home drinking prune juice, and some young ladies on the arms of some of the 50 yr old AARP members (likely escorts or money grubbers). And it was a Thursday, so the B&T wasn't really even in the house. Imagine that. The few positives--the DJ was actually spinning some great music (electronic), and the upstairs balcony overlooking the whole place is a pretty cool vantage point. The bartenders deserve a shout-out, as well.