Another Friendly Bar LLC
2500 Park Avenue
Detroit, MI 48201
Wayne County
Phone: (313) 962-9077
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Steve A. on
A classic locale in the heart of Downtown LA near the Times builsing. Trippy classic movies projected on walls. Antique electric equipment set the background. A swank timeless crowd all add the Mystique of the Edison. Make the journey to center earth (3 stories below ground) and be pleasantly surprised with what you find.
by Dale Lobregat on
A very bad performance exasterbated by poor customer service once I followed up to air my opinion.  This female artist was well past her prime and should not have been booked.  All performers should be held to high standards.  Tickets and the two drink minimum are expensive, especially when the performance is well below average.  I felt so ripped off that evening.  I followed up with Robert K at the Rrazz Room.  He admitted that he had received mixed reviews but then did nothing to compensate me.  I think comp tickets to another show would have been a nice gesture.  Thanks to his lack of action, I will not continue to be a patron of the Rrazz Room.
by Terrell Franz on
So I went for a work Xmas party (on which they must have been sending out ads given how many of these there seemed to be both last night and evidenced on this website) and it was mediocre. Yes, I had a good time but again i didn't pay and it was bowling (competitive- fun!!). the food was terrible. I tried mozz sticks, coco shrimp, and then some heavier food. Mediocre at best. The drinks I can't comment on (didnt drink) but everyone else seemed to think the mixed drinks were made well... I have a feeling the prices are pretty steep as I know socks were $2 and they wouldnt put in on eht company tab (i didnt have my wallet when I went over). The place is lit like a strip club- let's be honest. And the boobs out mentality of the tshirts worn by the waitresses reinforce that notion. The ghetto location of the place (42 and WS Hwy) and the proximity to other strip clubs seconds the notion. I prefer bowlmore.
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