Antelope Inn
707 E Main St
Kendrick, ID 83537
Latah County
Phone: (208) 289-5771
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by shoshana r. on
MJQ is pretty legendary with my friends in college (I just graduated) but I never made it there until a few weeks ago. Something about the idea of throngs of sweaty, dirty people spasming to the beat of repetitive music and a strobelight while a story or two underground didn't really appeal to me. Go figure. But I finally went, and what do you know: I really enjoyed it! Not because it wasn't what I just described, because it totally was. MJQ is a crazy all-night dance party with hit-or-miss music, dirty environs, no opportunity for a bathroom break (at least not one I'd risk) and many opportunities to get up-close-and-personal with strange-smelling strangers, but somehow it all the shadiness comes together to make for an awesome experience. Ten minutes into my first visit I wanted out immediately, but once I'd downed a beer or two I was going crazy on the dance floor and could suddenly appreciate what makes MJQ such a local institution. So now I can say without reservations that if you want an insane night of dancing, people-watching, (and some people-touching) and don't mind getting a little dirty, sweaty, or having your hair smell like PBR and cigarettes for DAYS after (no joke), then MJQ is the place for you. Trust me, you won't regret it.
by Kyong Jablonski on
I have recently started enjoying Asian foods like sushi (yum!). I went here, with no expectations and left filled and delighted. Their fish selection is impressive and prices are reasonable. If you want some of the best Japanese/Asian fusion food in town, check out Genki!
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