Anthony's Cocktl LNGE
8104 Camp Bowie West
Fort Worth, TX 76116
Tarrant County
Phone: (817) 244-4690
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by J T. R. on
I think this is a sentiment shared by a lot of folks who really love Johnny Brenda's: it's a great spot for drinks and inarguably the best music venue in Philadelphia, but the food is boring. Painfully so. It wasn't always like that. A year ago I was devouring more of their pork sandwiches than I care to admit, but that got old fast. I was thrilled when they announced they'd be adding a cheeseburger to the menu, only to find that it was flat and flavorless. Don't get me wrong: JB's is an absolute asset to the neighborhood in that it sets a standard for dining and entertainment any restauranteur would be hard pressed to beat. The rotating selection of beers is top notch. But would it be too much to ask for better food in an establishment that sets the bar so high?
by Sherly Mocco on
i'm gonna have to disagree with my coworker Chelsea J and say this place is pretty poor.  the margaritas are good (not the best i've had, but not the worst either, and having so many flavors to choose from is fun), but the food is weak.  not bad, just weak.  i realize that most mexican restaurants in new york are far from authentic, but this place is particularly so, and pricier too.  go to a MaryAnn's instead.
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