213 West 5th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Travis County
Phone: (512) 320-8424
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Hours: unknown
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by Tiffany Z. on
I believe I came to My house on a Friday. I had tons of fun. It wasn't difficult to get in but then again I have a butt, lol jk and I'm a girl. The drinks start around $12 and the decor is excellent! Its like a house, lol. Theres a kitchen, living room, up stairs bedroom with another bar and bed. I recommend the upstairs bar, because the ones downstairs are packed. I liked the place but it wasn't the best place I've been too... OHHHHH PS outside they have a BBQ grill where they sell hamburgers and hot dogs!!!!! the hamburger aren't bad at all, grilled onions and all! lol
by Eric Poynor on
the shit people do on those couch/sofa/beds is fuckin disgusting and unsanitary. i refused to sit on that thing. never went for dinner, so no opinion on the food.
by Antony Kassman on
I was simply terrified. Let me set the scene... Three girls went salsa dancing. My old roommate toured with an amateur salsa group throughout college, our other friend - and not meaning it in any derogatory way - is just so nice, cute and curvy she could just waltzed into any room and every guy will just fall over themselves for her. And then there's me... tall, awkward. Never salsa'ed before in my life. We came for a Thursday lesson. The lesson itself was fine... you can tell a lot of guys were more experienced than they let up. Part of the pick up tactic I'm sure. A lot of women came with groups of girl friends. Jake, to be fair, is a good instructor. He is as attentive as could be in a large group environment. Though it never prepares you enough for the time when the club is open to general public. Jake took a liking to my friend who danced in the salsa group. He kept going back to her... and eventually asked her out (she declined - it was just too weird for her). He didn't wait till the end of night - just went for the kill after the lesson portion. THAT alone was too weird. Meantime cutey girl pal was spun around by every Salsa Warrior in the room. Mind you cutesy girl CAN dance pretty well. The Warriors were impressed. She got about half dozen phone numbers. Finally that left me - the one who CAN'T dance. There was one cute and nice gay boy who was also there to learn. We joined forces with a few other ladies and gents who were also absolute beginner. But at the end... we were the outsiders. The rest of the crowd wasn't particularly inclusive. Oh yeah, it made us very self conscious. I am not sure if every salsa club is like this. I guess it is just not for me (also it is not the easiest place to get to either).
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