Apple Lounge
2803 Recker Highway
Winter Haven, FL 33880
Polk County
Phone: (863) 291-0340
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Edward L. on
I went here for Restaurant week and had like a million-course meal. It never ended! And it was soooo good. I don't fall for foo-foo stuff. And I've eaten at a lot of places. And I won't lie; I would not have gone if it weren't restaurant week (ie. I'm cheap). But this was really really really good!
by Neil Searer on
Supermodels aren't that super! Beautiful new club that is evocative of Miami but without the gravitas to pull off the Miami attitude. The bouncers gave us an unneccessarily rough time as we were on the guest list and I wouldn't even bother coming in without either a beautiful woman or a personal invitation from the owner as collateral. Once inside, it was quite nice looking with great decor and ambiance but the crowd was a mishmosh of mindless emptiness (by that I do not mean enlightened emptiness!) The music was loud and sometimes good, the bar was expensive, and has a good selection of Gin. So, in conclusion this place reminds me of dating  a supermodel, you desperately think you want it, you can't get it, and when you actually get inside, it's a soul sucking vacuum. Or maybe that's just sour grapes!
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