Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
10006 Will Way
Louisville, KY 40291
Jefferson County
Phone: (502) 231-1661
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar - About Us
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Welcome to our neighborhood! Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar is the world’s casual dining leader, with over 1,600 restaurants in forty-nine states and ten international countries.
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by Angella S. on
Made it to 150...WHOOP WHOOP! Hmmmm, been here a few times now and still apathetic. It's definitely a scene.  To me it's sort of a marina-ish type crowd (not judgin', just sayin').  If you want to get dressed up, look fox-a-fied good, and stand in line to get in, then by all means do it! Inside definitely has a certain somethin' going on.  It's dark and sexy, and I love that semi-private upstairs area with the bar.  The music is decent, but for some reason I haven't felt the urge to shake it up.  I'd much prefer to lounge or mingle in this place. Not really the best place to meet new people as it's so crowded.  But if I have a bunch of fierce girlfriends that want to do it swank for a night, then Harlot would be top on the list.
by Amalia Wafford on
One of the best aquariums I've visited thus far. Minus one star for being so crowded. Definitely recommend buying tickets in advance. We arrived at 12 p.m. but had to wait until 2 p.m. since the previous time slots were sold out. I would go around 4 p.m. when the crowds start to disperse and stay until closing.
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