Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
202 Kanawha Mall
Charleston, WV 25387
Kanawha County
Phone: (304) 925-6334
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar - About Us
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Welcome to our neighborhood! Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar is the world’s casual dining leader, with over 1,600 restaurants in forty-nine states and ten international countries.
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by Sam M. on
Wow! I don't know how to describe this place. It is a dump and somewhat scary. My friend never left from 5 feet from the entrance. But I was all over that place being simply amazed at the nastiness. The women dancing have seen better days -- I hope. The crowd was pretty well mixed between suburbanite college kids and low lifes. It was dance night and they had a really good DJ working. I remember dancing with a group of cute girls from Georgia Tech, and looking over one of their shoulders to see a 60ish year old naked woman standing on the bar throwing money at customers. It was surreal to say the least. Blondie was not working the night I went, but someone's grandma gave me a lapdance.
by Bernita Strudwick on
There's plenty of parking, the venue's big and wide open, the people are eclectic and the dancing is endless. But for some reason I can't define, I cannot stand Mighty to save my life. And you know how sometimes you feel like a place is cool even if it rubs you the wrong way, and you really want to like it? I don't even want to like it. When I work out why, I'll update this review.
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