Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
2225 Taylorsville Road
Louisville, KY 40205
Jefferson County
Phone: (502) 459-0784
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Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
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Welcome to our neighborhood! Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar is the world’s casual dining leader, with over 1,600 restaurants in forty-nine states and ten international countries.
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by x CiNDERELLY x. on
One of the best nights of my life. Hands down! After dinner with a friend in Hollywood, we decided it was still early to call it a night, so we just drove around thinking about what to do next and suddenly we saw TONS of people crowding around this place and heard really loud music coming out the building. We both looked at each other and we both knew we found our hang out spot for the night. After valet parking around the corner, we went up to the (cute) bouncer, showed our ID's and my friend asked if this was a club or what. He said club. But as he opened the door for us, he said, "You know this is a gay club right?" I somehow managed to say, "Oh..." See what happens when you DON'T rateclubs places before you go??? lOl Anyways, as we walked in, all I can say is, GAYS GALORE!!! I've never seen so many hot looking men I couldn't have! Grrr... =[ I've also never been to a gay club before, but always wanted to, so I was kinda excited yet overwhelmed at the same time. My friend paid for us so I forgot what the cover charge was. We headed to the bar and I got a kamikaze on the rocks. Then out of nowhere, the gay guy next to me said, "That's a HUGE lemon wedge you got!" I looked at my drink and laughed at what he was referring to. Yeah, it was kinda big... lOl So we joked about how we both liked it big and he just said things I just can't bring myself to repeat, but it sure made me smile that night! Then we cheek kissed like how totally posh gays do and went our own ways. We walked around the lower level to get a feel for the place and I can't remember how nice the decor was because I was just trying my hardest not to drool at the Go Go dancers. The place was seriously packed. It was about 11pm when we got there. Then we decided to go outside in the patio to get some air from all the hotness inside. We were chatting then another gay guy turned to me and said he loved my hair and let me tell you, he is the most Vogue-tastic person I've ever met! =D He introduced me to his other two gay friends and a straight female friend and we all just chatted and chill. I noticed the patio area suddenly started to fill up pretty quick though! Then us girls needed to use the ladies room and when we got there, there was a line and I noticed guys and girls were in the same line! A coed bathroom? Only at a gay club, right? lOl =] What's cool is that these gay guys were letting us go before them! I love how friendly these people are! And they'll start conversations with you like they've always known you! See! Not all gays are divas and self absorb! You can only imagine what's its like having gays and straight females in front of the mirror! We were all complimenting each other and helping each other with our hair and stuff. By the way, the bathroom was very nice. Despite how crowded and hot it was. So us girls decided to head up to the second floor where most of the dancing takes place. I loveeeeeee it up there! We stayed there till the place closed! Met tons of cool people and I had like another 4 drinks (kamikaze, cranberry and vodka, tequila shot & corona) and I was pretty much shit faced by the end of the night. Oh and by the way, the DJ was AWESOME as hell! He looked like a tall, skinny vampire (almost like Taboo from the Black Eyed Peas) and he was so cool! He played all and I mean ALL of the best songs that night! From Hip Hop to Trance to Britney to Ke$ha to Madonna!!! Ahhhhh!! Loves it! It was really really nice to see all these guys (and a few ladies) just hooking up in front of my eyes because I'm really happy for them. But I'm not going to lie, I was also VERY envious that these hot guys are getting hit on by hot guys!!! I almost wished ONE was straight.. As a straight female, as you look around and observe, you kinda almost forget that your in a gay bar because I swear so many of these men look straight! It makes me so sad yet so happy at the same time!!! If that makes sense... lOl I assume most of the guys that come here, haven't worked up the courage to come out yet... Honestly though, for once, it felt so GOOD to not get hit on by any guys and dealing with shitty pick up lines and just dance the night away with completely cool strangers and singing and wild n out with my girls! I almost feel like never going to a straight club again! HA! Wouldn't that be something... =P Definitely a place EVERYONE should check out! You really learn to be open minded, appreciate others and just HAVE FUN! FYI: Friday nights are the BEST!
by Lane Wansing on
This place brings back memories that I wish I could erase, but nevertheless prove that lessons in life that involve drinking need to be learned. I spent about 90 bucks drinking in this place only to (pardon the pun) end up completely wasted out of my mind, yet still coherent enough to grab a friend and tell her to take me home....what drunk does this?! Overall, I like this place. I think that on some twisted level it provides it's patrons with everything they should expect in a dance club/bar. It has a fairly decent decent size space for dancing...small but never to full for you to actually shake your booty,  and if you are like me and you get tired at 3am and don't want to go home just yet there are couches in the back area for you to plump you ass on as well as a small sitting  area right near the dance floor....they even have a fireplace for you to sit next to, but be careful because it gets hotter than a mofo if you sit there for too long.  The coolest part, at least to me is the fact that they have a big outside are for you to chill in when you don't want to feel cooped up inside....this is where you can socialize with your friends and the local crackheads that often frequent this space. The only bad things with this place is that it stops serving alcohol after 2am until 6am but that is true of every place on the surface of California (Damn you Cali!!!!) Parking sucks at times and I don't even have a car LOL but I have been a passenger, the bathroom is completely disgusting and is in serious need of an overhaul and the cost to get into this place varies from 15 to 20 bucks. Shoot me for paying for it but I love this spot so fucking much. 5 Big red ones!
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