Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
2645 Edgewood Road Southwest
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Linn County
Phone: (319) 396-6767
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar - About Us
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Welcome to our neighborhood! Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar is the world’s casual dining leader, with over 1,600 restaurants in forty-nine states and ten international countries.
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by Kate G. on
I would recommend going to Rubulad if you're young, or if you've never been.  It is worth one visit, nothing more.  After going quite a few times since 05, it is inevitable that during some point in the night, I will wonder exactly how this place got me to fork over $20, again.  I agree with BeeryMcGymrat X, crowd control is iffy, and ends up creating dangerous situations.  In addition, it is not fun to pay good money to get in, only to have to slowly swim through a sea of sweaty people.  Or worse yet, having the fire dept kick you out. However, in the end, Rubulad does have something to it.  It is fun for what it is, a bit of a put-on.  Some shit is too much of a parody for its own good. (Hint: I would recommend going during the cold winter months.  The weather tends to thin the crowd)
by Brandy Derocco on
I liked the way the place looked as I walked in, but wondered why it was empty. In hindsight I surmise that it was because of the noticeably bad service complemented by (yet again) fancy-looking but very mediocre food. Amalia has a two-course prix fixe and you can choose one of three entrees and either an appetizer or dessert. This is, by the way, a rip off. The price tag way exceeds the value of two measly courses of this insipid caliber. I chose the appetizers, apparently a poor choice, but I didn't get dessert, so who knows? We were served our appetizers without the requisite tools to eat them; the soup was missing a spoon, the bread spread was missing bread.  We sat for several minutes making conversation over our silent and untouched appetizers before we could flag someone down to remedy this. I wouldn't have really minded had the food tasted good, but it really didn't. It is hard to disappoint me with appetizers involving things to dip or spread, and these just didn't do it. The salmon dish was also pleasant looking but disappointing. My lunch companion seemed to enjoy it enough to eat the whole thing, but I found nothing remarkable in it. The chairs were very awkward as well; the white rounded seats look like they might be comfortable but are very hard to sit in as there's no good place to put your back or your legs. I kept bumping into this other girl under the table. Of course, this could be seen as a form of entertainment to fill the long voids where there was no contact with our well-meaning server.
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