Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
430 New Dorp Lane
Staten Island, NY 10306
Richmond County
Phone: (718) 980-7800
Fax: (718) 980-2144
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar - About Us
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Welcome to our neighborhood! Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar is the world’s casual dining leader, with over 1,600 restaurants in forty-nine states and ten international countries.
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by Tom T. on
El Rio might well be the best bar in the city.  Why?  They have strong/affordable drinks, which is the most important criteria, they have a great pool table, and the best patio in town!  What's not to love.  Couple that with the fact that they host great dance parties, awesome live shows and serve delicious food and what more could you ask for? FYI my two favorite things to go to at El Rio are: Hard French!  This party RULES.  It's an outdoor afternoon 60's soul dance party (amazing, right), with a beer bust and barbecue.  People get crazy too, and everyone is wasted, dancing and singing along by 6pm.  It happens every 1st Saturday from 3-8. Friday Happy Hour.  Sooo good.  It's a total 30-something worker bee crowd, which isn't really my scene, but actually makes for magnificent people watching.  They have $3 well drinks and draft beers til 9, FREE oysters and FREE BBQ!  W.T.F?
by Don Sil on
Trudy's is another one of my go-to restaurants (see the first two paragraphs of my Curra's Grill review for the go-to methodology re: The Dish, strict loyalty to The Dish, douchebaggery, etc.). What Trudy's excels at, and in a way no other restaurant in town seems to be able to match, is migas. But before I get into it, a word on migas. Texas natives might not know this, but I'm pretty sure this is a dish that you can't get anywhere else in the country. Growing up in California, I never heard of such a thing. Two days into my first trip to Austin, it became my favorite breakfast food ever. It just kills me that we waste Nobel Prizes every year on people who find cures for deadly diseases, map the human genome, and feed the starving people of Africa, yet the man who first decided to combine corn tortillas with scrambled eggs, Josiah Von Miga, sits mired in obscurity. It's a fucking crime. But in the great city of Austin you can get migas just about anywhere. So what makes Trudy's migas stand out? At the poker table of breakfast, Trudy's has seen everyone elses eggs, tortillas, onions, peppers, and tomatoes, and then raised them some queso. In quanities whose exact measurements are most likely protected like the formula for Coca-Cola, Trudy's pre-mixes the above ingredients into the perfect combination of processed cheese and scrambled eggs that somehow remains wet without being runny. Throw that mixture on a flour tortilla with a layer of refried beans, red potatoes (NOT the hashed browns option) and some of Trudy's green salsa, and you've got a migas taco the likes of which I haven't been able to match anywhere else in the city. Plus, because they're pre-made, if you order them as soon as your bloody mary gets served, they'll be on your table before you get halfway through it. Solid. Of course this wouldn't be a review of Trudy's without a mention of their Mexican martini's. In a nutshell, the Mexican martini's are fine. Just (yawn) fine. There's really only so much you can do with a shaker of margaritas and a martini glass. And no, they're not all that strong. Certainly not strong enough to have an automatic rule that you get cut off after two. But please, please, PLEASE stop bitching about it. You know the rule. Its been around forever. It's not changing. Just shut up and eat your god damned migas.
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