Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
584 Carriage House Drive
Jackson, TN 38305
Madison County
Phone: (731) 661-9950
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar - About Us
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Welcome to our neighborhood! Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar is the world’s casual dining leader, with over 1,600 restaurants in forty-nine states and ten international countries.
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by Latrisha Aricas on
Look at me.  Now, look at the people in the pictures for DNA.  In fact, if you can, do a side-by-side comparison.  Do you see the distinction? I've been here twice: the first time I was painfully out of place, as in, one could have assumed I stumbled in to DNA whilst trying unsuccessfully to locate my book club meeting.  The other time, however, boyfriend and I ended up here on Halloween.  I somehow fit in beautifully. The thing is, there was no difference in these two instances in how I was treated.  Everyone just does their thing.  No judging, no shunning.    I like that.  Carry on, people.  Carry on. My only beef is that boyfriend thought it was the funniest prank in the world to pour a full beer down my shirt on Halloween.  He was drunk.  I was angry.  He realized he was in the dog house.  We left. Really, that's not DNA's fault.
by Tim C. on
You get 3 stars and I'll tell you why. This place is sooo money, and they don't even know it. Lots of hotties rolling up. Lots of people waiting in line. Lots of people waiting in the guest list line. Enough people bumping into you while dancing by guys and by girls. Funny watching a few players rolling around getting a little action here and there and shined on here and there. Classy joint where like any club girls get in free of course and guys pay the cover. Too bad when I get to the girl taking cash at the door, "let them know 1/2 off is over". FUCK!!! Oh well, I pay $10 anyway and help a friend celebrate her birthday with a bunch of her friends. So this is soo worth 5 stars. Now, here's why I give it a 3 star. 2 guys at the front with clip boards, guest list for Birthday parties here and everyone else in the long line. Oh, I don't see you on this list, must be on his clipboard. He's got more names there. Waiting, waiting, waiting, still waiting, other line some goes in because they both were checking names and letting people. Oh by the way, still waiting, waiting, bouncer walks up, can I help you two? Yeah, we're on a guest list for so and so for a birthday celebration. Ok, let me check, everyone here? Yeah, they're inside already. Ok, hold on. Wait, wait, wait, what was the name again? Aye, que la....................... Finally, we get through and get tickets. Walk on the right up to towards the door. More waiting, another line. Then, get through that line, pay $10 while my female friend walks right in. A little more roomy than places along Sunset in Hollywood. Then order drinks. I find the birthday girl and another friend. What do you girls want to drink? 2 cranberry vodkas, 2 purple hooter shooters, 1 jack and coke. That'll be $43. Fucking eh!!! Alright, birthday girl gets her drinks. Let's boogie. Ok, sorry to be long winded and so detailed. But we're not in Hollywood and prices for shit don't have to be so fucking expensive. Then my female friends made out like bandits with creepy looking guys making moves on a few of my friends and getting numbers. (taking names and................) Alright, that's it.
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