Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
6301 University Avenue
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Black Hawk County
Phone: (319) 266-1814
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar - About Us
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Welcome to our neighborhood! Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar is the world’s casual dining leader, with over 1,600 restaurants in forty-nine states and ten international countries.
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by Sergio Pollica on
A basement atmosphere with a reasonable cover, two DJs, one bar, and some unlikely aura that causes me to have a good time on a somewhat consistent basis. I like going dancing in the abstract, but I am not a person who goes to dance clubs in actual reality. I am pseudo-introverted and generally don't like being talked to or danced on by strange guys, but I also don't like NOT being talked to or danced on because that must mean I am undesirable in some way. I also don't like waiting in line for bad drinks. This adds up to me opting to rent a video more often than I like to admit to the cool kids on rateclubs. So I am pleasantly surprised to be giving five stars to a dancing venue. Both times I was at MJQ I talked to and danced with interesting, not unpleasant guys that make pretty good stories. For example, last night an Italian guy accosted me at the bar and asked if he could be my hairdresser, and then we talked about languages and real estate, and he at least pretended he didn't believe I was 27 (I can't decide if I liked this comment - is 27 really THAT old? come on). Then I spent about an hour dancing with the guitarist for the band Rehab ( http://www.rehabmusic....). And the only reason I even figured out who it was was because when we were dancing in the small room we were singing in harmony with the music and I said hey, you can actually sing, and he said yeah, I'm a professional musician. And if rateclubsers hadn't taken me here the first time I probably would not have been particularly amenable to going last night because I am lazy and generally have to force myself out to places that start getting cool at 1 AM, since as a general rule lame people like me prefer to be in bed by that time. The drinks are not awesome, I won't lie. But it's FUN here, shitty vodka out of plastic cups notwithstanding. I don't even know why, but it is.
by Herra Chink y. on
Because of my ongoing Rateclub addiction, I now have an encyclopedic knowledge of the restaurants, bars, and general San Francisco scene.  And because food and drinking are all I ever talk about (other than my mother), people often come to me for suggestions of where to go for [fill in occasion here]. Recently, my employer wanted to hold a cocktail hour for our project team, and asked me for suggestions.  I suggested Rye, but then realized that most of my Hillsborough and Marin-dwelling upper management would probably not be too excited walking through the Tenderloin.  In a way, the typical douchebag crowd that roam the Trendyloin are actually ahead of the curve - old people with families still don't want to walk around there.  Congratulations!  Pat yourself on the back! Anyways, my employers are of course frightened by the thought of having to deal with anything urban, so they choose Harry Denton's Starlight Room as our locale.  And I went to the cocktail hour because hello it was free and the Chinese in me cannot resist, and also because I'd never been to the mythic tacky world of faux-luxury that Harry Denton promises to all non-San Franciscans who want a slice of our mythical luxury pie.  Yeah.  That slice of pie in the sky.  We all have it.  All San Francisco residents.  Didn't you get the memo? The view was pretty, and my extra dirty vodka martini was tasty, but that's because it was top shelf liquor and i wasn't paying for it.  I doubt I'll be coming back of my own accord, however.  This place just makes you *feel* dirty, you know?  I was going down the elevator and a couple of douchebags of enormous egos were talking about their cougars waiting for them upstairs as the elevator door closed to go downstairs. Douchebag McToolyton:  Yeah, dude, she got the moves tonight, man. Chodey McPanther:  Yeah, she's all up on my jock. [high five] Dbag McT:  Oh damn brah.  I forgot my cigs upstairs. C McP:  Oh man, I only have one cigarette. Dbag McT:  Let's go back up and get them. C McP:  Yo brah.  Our ladies will be happy to see us again. Dbag McT:  Heh heh.  Maybe we'll have a quickie in the bathroom. C McP:  Oh yeah, you know mine?  She's like a vacuum.  She eats it all up. Dbag McT:  Whatever, man.  We got the best hos in town, brah. Horrified by the utter lack of tact or taste these two fine gentlemen were choosing to portray in a shared public elevator, and realizing that I was getting out of the elevator while they were staying on, I stepped out of the elevator into the Sir Francis Drake hotel, and smiled to myself as the elevator door slowly closed behind me and I left my new friends a silent but deadly present.
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