Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
7135 South 13th Street
Oak Creek, WI 53154
Milwaukee County
Phone: (414) 570-0519
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar - About Us
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Welcome to our neighborhood! Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar is the world’s casual dining leader, with over 1,600 restaurants in forty-nine states and ten international countries.
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by Wallace S. on
Ecco ranks as one of my favorite dining experiences in Atlanta.  The food is always spot on, and they have a decent selection of lower priced meals so you don't have to break the bank eating there (though you easily could do so).  The servers and very well informed, and the quality of the food is great.  In fact, I went there once and they told me they were temporarily dropping the rabbit pasta (phenomenal, by the way) from the menu because the chef wasn't satisfied with the quality of rabbit he was receiving. Atlanta is the home of the $10 martini, and Ecco is no exception.  At least Ecco gets their martinis right.  They taste great and pack a mean punch.  Those drinks have you forgetting about your crappy workday quickly!
by Brant Hohensee on
Nothing makes a dog happier than enjoying a "velvet margarita" (a blended pineapple margarita served in the actual pineapple) out in Alejandro's patio. Muy bonito! (the drink and the bartender!)
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