Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
7645 Highway 70 South
Nashville, TN 37221
Davidson County
Phone: (615) 662-1881
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar - About Us
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Welcome to our neighborhood! Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar is the world’s casual dining leader, with over 1,600 restaurants in forty-nine states and ten international countries.
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by Claire C. on
This place is just too small for a weekend party.  I guess you either have fun because you like half of the people in there or it sucks because you don't like most of the people and you have to deal with sweaty people breathing down your neck and touching you as they squeeze by.  the overall package is there for a good club but it's just too small.  maybe if you take over the whole place to throw an exclusive party, it would be the best place ever. And no, I do not have time to go party on week days, so I can't vouch for the Tenjune Tuesdays scene.
by Beau Crank on
BLOW JOB anyone???  ooohhh.. yeahhhhh... that's it babeeeee! Me love you long time... My first time there and boy was there a lot of estrogen!! Bachalerrette, birthdays, bachalor, and anniversary parties! First thing I saw at another table was a 5 foot inflatable PENIS!!! Boucing around like a beach ball! Whoa, imagine that in a porn movie... Entertainment was amazing! How do they get legs like that?? So sexy! Our host Ginger was so sweet and Aleeah took over when Ginger was on stage... Hot mamas.... We were orginally going to have 17 people, but 3 people backed out last minute and I thought for sure they are going to charge me, but JR was soooo sweet that he didn't. Thanks JR!!! THANKS FOR TAKING CARE OF THE STELLA BABY PARTY!! We had so much fun, and we were so full when we left. The food was tasty, and the dessert was sensual... ice cream cones... where you are liking it.... for those of us who didn't get to do a blow job, ice cream cones were a nice touch.
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