Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
9921 Ormsby Station Road
Louisville, KY 40223
Jefferson County
Phone: (502) 429-8300
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar - About Us
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Welcome to our neighborhood! Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill and Bar is the world’s casual dining leader, with over 1,600 restaurants in forty-nine states and ten international countries.
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by Enjella L. on
My first house club experince in LA was here. House clubs sure are different in LA than they are in the east coast. In the east coast, clubs that play deep house or house music usually are upscale and trendy trendy trendy with a lot of rich Euro trash. So compared to that King King is junky. You will find a hipster crowd - almost grungey even. The crowd here is definitely - it's an artsy fartsy - i'm cool b/c i go against the grain - type of crowd. So in a way, they are real and unpretentious, but not really - just uppity but in their own "i am cool because i wear distressed jeans that I have never washed" (ew) type of way. As far as the music - I would prefer if they played more deep house - once they start with that progressive house is when I start to get bored. What's live about this place is they are open until 4am ..or was it 3am? Either way, I like clubs that stay open until this late - without it being a straight up after hour club only type. Come here to dance your butts off with your friends - this is what I can appreciate about this club - it's all about dancing - not conducive to mingling. (Old) Photos to come (maybe)
by Teodoro Wygand on
I had only been to Ecco for drinks and appetizers in the past, but decided to go and have dinner during restaurant week.  I had everything Steakhead had and agree with his assessments, so I won't bore you with details, but it was really, really good and they didn't skimp on quantity or quality for restaurant week.  I will say that I think the fried goat cheese with honey is one of the tastiest treats ever and that you should order it anytime you go! My server noticed that I was writing down the name of my wine and brought me a little business card with all the info printed on it-- nice touch!
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