Appleton Souvenir and Cigar CO
415 West College Avenue
Appleton, WI 54911
Outagamie County
Phone: (920) 830-8349
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
Appleton Souvenir and Cigar CO - About Us
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Website Description and Information
The Appleton Souvenir and Cigar Co. is located in Downtown Appleton. They specialize in the finest selection of cigars & tobaccos.
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by Nikki M. on
Hit this place up on Friday night for a friend's birthday. It was a perfect warm day in the city and they had their huge front windows open to let in the breeze. The ceilings are high and it wasn't packed so we could really celebrate with our big group. Really liked the couches in the front, and our reserved area. This place had a great decor and a nice vibe. The crowd was really mixed, no one stereotype actually! People I met in line for the restrooms were friendly, and the bartender was quite nice as well. Drinks were good and it was easy to get one (rare!). Plus, I love any place where you can order cupcakes for your group! They have an awesome private room upstairs, I believe it's $500 to score. It woulda been a perfect 5 stars except for the men's bathroom being overflowed and gross and when my husband told one of the staff who came in to use it, they said, "oh, okay" and left (like thanks for letting me know so I can come back later!). So you get one more star for being a bit more responsive here next time, sugar. I have bathroom issues.
by Charles Reffett on
Good:Qaulity funky house DJ's on weekends. Bad: Out of towners than you'd like to not be around. Good: open after 2 and a place to finish some party favors. Bad: place is kinda dingy and past its prime (uh, the 70's)
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