Aqua Bar & Nightclub
7942 Arcadia Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
Sacramento County
Phone: (916) 722-2400
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Sarah H. on
Although I liked the go go dancers and the lighting's it was too crowded. We waited in line for an hr since we were on the guest list. Funny thing is they don't start letting people in until around 10:30pm. I believe they do this to get money from everyone instead of utilizing the guest list. Drinks WAY over priced. AMF is $16.00 and a shot of vodka $9.00. Far East Movement was suppose to play but they did not. This place is not the shit. Seriously.
by Hisako Murrufo on
So delicious! Their sides are amazing (most notably the "fries" and the spinach). However, I wouldn't get the mac and cheese again. Their filet is perfect without sauce, but I must say they have some of the most delicious steak sauce I have everrrrrr had. STK almost loses a star because the crowd is a little bridge and tunnel nouve riche trashy BUT the food is just very good. Word to the wise: MAKE A RESERVATION! (4.5*'s)
by Lynelle Guernsey on
Very friendly staff. Stiff drinks. Wished we could have stayed for the live music and open mic.
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