Arapahoe Cafe and Pub
626 Lake Dillon Drive
Dillon, CO 80435
Summit County
Phone: (970) 468-0873
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by sue k. on
i have no complaints about golden temple if someone else is paying. the food is decent enough but definitely not worth the high prices. they're very accommodating and make ordering healthy painless, but if you know what and how to order, you can get a comparable meal at just about any chinese restaurant. my roommate used to love this place because he claimed it was so healthy. there is nothing healthy about crab rangoon and rice smothered in lobster sauce! sure it's msg and transfat free, but don't assume everything is local or organic. i overhead a waiter and bartender sharing a laugh over a customer who wanted organic juice in her cocktail. if you left your sugah momma at home, skip the restaurant and visit the e-room. it's a great spot for cooling down with fruity cocktails on a summer weeknight. you'll always find a few spots open at the bar and plenty of free tables in the lounge. the weekday crowd is mostly couples splitting appetizers, or some tipsy cougars on the prowl. give the pineapple infused vodka a try- it tastes like candy and takes the edge off a tough workday.
by Carolee Christina on
TRENTEMOLLER @ MEZZANINE WOW! What an incredible show! The opening set was good but Trentemoller kicked some major ass. I don't think there is a better sound system in all of San Francisco. Great drinks, even the coat check girl was cool. Awesome crowd and they all left their attitude at the door. I can't wait to see UNKLE here at the end of the month.
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