Archies Yukon Inn-Bar & Grill
River Front Street
Galena, AK 99741
Yukon Koyukuk County
Phone: (907) 656-1285
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Shea D. on
I'm having a difficult time disentangling the two FANTASTIC shows I've seen here with the actual venue. First show (Oct. '08) = Against Me! I witnessed a crowd of acne-stricken 17 year olds rush the stage and surround Tom Gabel. The security guys just gave up after a while. Second show (last Saturday) = Peaches. There's no question. The woman knows how to perform. The minimum age of 18 with the ID check at the door kept the walking blackheads out of the venue this time around. As for Webster Hall itself? Devoting one *entire* staircase to the entrance/exit after a show is over = not exactly good foresight. It takes 1200 hours to get out of there and then you get yelled at by the staff as soon as you hit the street that it is "no place to hang out." Excuse me? Are you employed by Webster Hall or NYC Streets? If it's not the latter or both, then shut it and I'll walk where I want to. The bartender was very nice, but the $12 for a tiny plastic cup of Grey Goose and cranberry IS on the expensive side of things. You get what you pay for as far as concert drinks are concerned though. And finally, if you go to a concert here and are not intent on getting thrashed or be at front and center, go for the balcony. You can't see anything otherwise. Peaches is such a tiny little thing, and my girlfriend said that she could barely see her when she went downstairs to use the restroom.  Not to mention she came up to the balcony anyway for one song. :-)
by Catalina Mezydlo on
Don't waste your time or money.
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