Arctic Bar
623 Old Steese Highway
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Fairbanks North Star County
Phone: (907) 457-1123
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by debra n. on
bob bar is the shizz.  it's as big as my living room, but just get a little buzz and enjoy the hip hop and r&b!  a lot of people are complaining about how crowded this place gets, but honestly, i think it only fuels the party!  by the end of the night, my friends and i had met so many new people, bouncers and bartenders included.  they're very generous with their drinks, so take precaution if you're a lightweight.   when i come back to new york, i will definitely hit up bob bar again.
by Henry Zaino on
Ah ha sliding its way into a pedestrian entertainment spot... 1. The doorman says "Ok normally this wouldn't happen- but Im letting you guys in now despite the fact that there is a pvt party going on inside, enjoy" Hey don't have to pretend this place is so exclusive when there are 22 year olds from Fremont bumpin and grindin downstairs. 2. Its dark and you cannot sit without ordering "Bottle Service" Como se dice -I just threw up in my mouth? 3. The DJ SUCKED. Whomever was the DJ on 3 November 2007 (last Saturday night) refused to play an entire song, he mixed songs that should not be and played 20 seconds of the ones people do. Get off your laptop, pop in a cd for the full play and have a scotch buddy since your 'mashups' made us leave. I was only at this place for my girlfriend's friends birthday...never again. I will see the people who just want to dance at HiFi.
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