Arizona American Italian Club - Bar
7509 North 12th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Maricopa County
Phone: (602) 870-0566
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Sarah P. on
Oh My God. This place was such a HOT MESS! I admit that going out on a Tuesday night I should not have expected much. However I just finished my 1st year in law school and my friends and I wanted to go out and celebrate. First of all, the cover ON A TUESDAY was $25. We ended up getting a "discount" for being girls and got in for $15, but who pays to get into clubs on a Tuesday? They also gave us a free drink ticket. Then the coat check- $4 a coat, $1 for an umbrella. So stupid. Then we get inside. The DJ was horr-ib-le. So bad. This dude couldn't play a song for longer than 10 seconds. For those of us not on coke it was very nauseating. Then the people. Oh, the people. There was a woman who was 9 months pregnant, a girl in a skirt that was crotch length with her leg up on the railing facing the crowd "dancing", and a host of other low-budget bitches desperate for attention. Did you guys know that jeans with rhinestone covered stilettos is in style? Well if it isn't you would sure think so from going to Rumor-because at least half the crowd was wearing that. The men were atrocious. I wear my sunglasses at night and a host of other turds. I didn't see one guy who was attractive. The whole place just felt like failure. The atmosphere in there was so-so. The bathroom was clean and had an attendant, and they kept the floor clean. They have two bars and though I didn't pay for my drink the bartenders were attentive. This is also attached to Venu, which was playing house music, I never ventured over to that side. If I haven't deterred you from going here yet, at least let me convince you not to go on a Tuesday night. In sum, this is yet another failed club in Boston. Boston is just not a club city it's a bar city.
by Cory Jannell on
I went to GAMH for the 1st time today- this is a great venue for an intimate show. Once inside it's comfortable yet pretty, reminds me of an old school theater in Buenos Aires where my parents and I saw Tango shows. Several tables and chairs spread out throughout the theater.
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