Art Bar
90 Commercial Street
Worcester, MA 01608
Worcester County
Phone: (508) 754-7742
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Rolando Picklesimer on
Attended Opera for a company Christmas party and the food, service, and decor was splendid. This is a great venue for hosting a reception, company party, etc. Presentation is well executed here. However....later, I stayed when the club was opened up and all I could think of was, "why is that old lady swinging on the pole, and why is that man looking at her like that, gag." While I love the decor of this place, I do not like the set up nor the music. It's great for you youngins who want to dance all night long, but us over the 30 crew need a seat to rest and pop our hips, necks, and back out. Also, the night I attended was full on techno. I kept thinking it would have been great if only I brought my glow sticks. *insert sarcasm* My verdict: Great place for hosting events pre-nightclub., but once the club opens up run for the hills.
by Taylor Demme on
Ugh...  Sorry, not my style.  I went here for a friend's birthday and totally misjudged what this place was about.  Am I in college again?  It's 10:45 and a girl has thrown up everywhere in the bathroom.  Only one stall is working, drinks are pricey and Ke$ha's on repeat.  It's 12:09, three more girls have thrown up in the bathroom.  FML. The one redeeming thing so far is the 80s cover band, but it's not enough to keep me here.
by Jason W. on
I'm giving DNA props. and the only reason is because I always have fun here and it is trippy ass place to check out. I am a geek at heart and love this spot... 1. You are on camera 24-7 and can be viewed via their website. Nothing beats seeing your best friends girlfriend making out with some dude.. CAUGHT! YOU BEEN CAUGHT... FORWARD TO BEST FRIEND AT AOL DOT COM! lol I think that is fucking cool. I love the technology this club has introduced. However, it goes unnoticed often since most people are blind to it. I think that is a cool idea. Seriously, who needs a number when you can get an email address and email people from the PC's mounted all over the place? Don't have game but wanna get actions.. Point the browser to your favorite P Site and boom you're in. lol jokes. 2. They have the coolest ATM Machine. Anyone notice that thing or were you too smashed to understand it? LOL 3. One of my favorite spots to gig. Clean sound, Clean Set Up, and OH... Good staff. Props goes out to DNA...
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