Arvin Cedar Bar
4477 Cleveland Street
Gary, IN 46408
Lake County
Phone: (219) 980-9552
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by John T. on
Q:  Where in L.A. can you walk in to a place on the 2nd Monday of every month, charts in hand, pay a $5 cover, and sing with a 3 piece jazz combo with a resume' that reads like a "Who's Who" of the jazz world? A:  Only one my friends, The Hollywood Studio Bar & Grill Whether you are a singer, a musician, or just a jazz-loving audience member; you must experience this place.  The spare decor lends itself to the purpose of HSB&G: To showcase the performer. The staff is friendly and prompt.  The food is simple, but always fresh and reasonably priced (not the cheapest place in town, but remember that you are also being entertained by live humans!) The cover charge will vary depending on who is performing.  This price is set by the performer themselves.  HSB&G allows performers to keep this money and profits solely from the dinners and drinks they sell.  THIS IS A RARITY IN L.A! If you love and care about your show-biz pals that choose to showcase their talents at HSB&G, then please support their efforts by paying the cover, having dinner or a couple of drinks, and enjoying the show.  If the "cabaret/nightclub venue" is not your thing, then wish your friend "good luck" with their show, buy your friend's CD, and enjoy it at home. That will leave more room in the big parking lot for me and my friends.
by Harlan Deritis on
I saw the latest reviews, so I had to write my own. I've only been to Compound once, and it was back in November. The music was cool, but I didn't see 1 good looking guy there - except for the guys I was with! The place was so big it makes it hard to meet anyone! And who wants to stand outside when your hair and make-up are "did" and it's 100+ degrees? Plus, I've realized this is not a cab town. I waited outside the club for 20 minutes for a10 minute ride - even after the club said they called one for me. I wasn't impressed.
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