Astro Motel - Cocktail Lounge
3393 North Parkway Drive
Fresno, CA 93722
Fresno County
Phone: (559) 275-6743
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Paul C. on
maybe now that I'm over 30....clubbing isn't thing for me no more...we had the reserved table on the balcony and tried some bookings...girls were young and were freakin expensive...and almost got into right with bunch of disrespectful kids who sat next to our table.
by Eugenie Lechler on
Do you want to know all my darkest secrets? Well, put mexican martini #2 in front of me (herradura, not house - if you order a call tequila, they make it fresh instead of using the pre-mixed batch resulting in a stronger drink) and I'll spill. Trudy's is what it is - it's always loud and full of drunk college students and the young after work crowd. The food is hit or miss and best after 2 drinks, although I have mad love for the botana sampler, aka the appetizer platter, with queso especial, the fish tacos, and the stuffed avocado-everything is better when battered and fried. Mainly, Trudy's is a great place to go get rowdy with a group of friends and engage in some overly loud tequila confessions.
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