At the ASTI
715 Pacific Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Santa Cruz County
Phone: (831) 423-7337
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Hours: unknown
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by Tim B. on
Go for the atmosphere but not the food, Great bar, even better restaurant, glass greenhouse like setting, trees, ivy growing up the walls. Like you in an outdoor cafe. Food is salty, menu is limited and not very creative. Wine markup is minimal  and the selection good so enjoy. The house cocktails ar eover priced, so stay with the wine.
by Coy Vanblaricum on
This review is for their Tuesday nights. Keep in mind, you go on the wrong night on the wrong mindset and you'll have a horrible time. Fortunately for me, Tuesday night is the night for me! For $10, you can come in and get a Salsa lesson along with your cover...and the instructor Anna Maria (who was a MFA student when I was a UCLA undergrad) is a wonderful teacher who teaches you in the way of Cuban any of y'all who wish you can dirty dance like/with Diego Rivera like he did in Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (though maybe not in real life; he's Mexican and dances with his shoulders) then you're well on your way! Another astounding and unbelievable fact: these nights are short on WOMEN?!??! Never at a place that has dance lessons did I find a surplus of ladies, here's your chance (though be warned, a few guys have two left feet). After the lesson, the club starts. The best part of salsa clubs is that even if you don't know how to salsa, it's okay. Someone is bound to approach you to ask you to dance, and the all familiar dialog will ensue: Random Guy: Would you like to dance? [sometimes, he just holds out his hand] Me: Sorry. I can't salsa. RG: Then I will teach you. Okay, so I kinda know how to salsa, but it's nothing to speak of...especially when I go to a salsa club, I usually go with at least one person who probably salsa'd herself out of the womb. But I do like getting the quick and courteous lesson each time I go. The space boasts high ceilings and the bar is quick and supplies you a strong drink...there are a few booths along the perimeter for those wallflowers. I never knew that this place had a general Buddhist Asian theme...which is interesting...since I initially knew about this place from the salsa lessons, I almost expected it to be a Latin club. I'd like to come here on another night, when they have the electronic music. There are some night spots in Hollywood that doesn't have that plastic, superficial LA vibe, and King King is definitely one of them.
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