Atlantis Lounge
2700 South Roddis Avenue
Marshfield, WI 54449
Wood County
Phone: (715) 387-1761
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Fern Nost on
I think I was already at least 3 mojitos in when I checked in here, I had to think about my experience.  I just remember our large group thinking that for $2/mojito until 8 or 9 pm (I forget), it was worth stopping in.  Try the berry ones, they're good! It was sort of dead when we first got there, but the staff was super nice and the music was cool.
by Alena Maple on
gotta love this place. I would've given it 5 stars, but the drinks are incredibly pricey (i paid $15 for a Long Island that didn't give me a buzz...) But other than it being a pricey dig, the Edison has lots to has a really swanky power plant interior...huge bar with attentive bartenders....(there's 2 bars)....the absinthe fairy...1920's regalia...interesting can actually wear a nice cocktail dress and not look can drink & smoke on the patio...old b&w movies projected on brick walls... all in all it was an interesting & fun kinda felt like i wasn't in LA for a night...i just wish we got there earlier to have scored some of the seats...
by Nathan I. on
I came here about 4 months ago for the first time.... was I impressed? eckh...  (that that I think about it.....notsmuch)  It was a pretty fun night, never the less but I could have spent a grand some place else and had an even better time with the same scene.  The bartenders are really cool and the shows are pretty entertaining! I'd go back .... but not anytime soon.
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