by Edgardo Steinborn on Go see a concert here. Just saw The Frames last night. I would have paid 25 bucks on Craigslist for tickets but one nice lady gave me a ticket out front for free, and another guy sold me a ticket for 10 bucks. Thank you people. Forever may you be granted with good Karma. The venue is amazing inside. I haven't seen such attention to detail in SF ever. The bands that play here are sort of random, but check out the line up do some research and find a band you like, cuz the room a lone is worth the admission price. Beers 3.50. Unheard of for a concert venue. Bumped into an chick I went out with few times. She was with her new bf. There's nothing like the satisfaction of knowing you're better looking than the new BF. No contest.
by Bill K. on Saint is a nice escape from the grind of Boston pubs. People lounging with their friends, behaving scandalously, sporting the going-out clothes...I dig it. Essentially, there are two rooms. The deep red velvety room has spots to camp out with your team and even get table service if that's your bag. The other room is more of a standing, flirting, brushing-into-people room. I need to go back soon...I'll post a more detailed review at that time.