Attic Alehouse & Eatery
4226 East Madison Street
Seattle, WA 98112
King County
Phone: (206) 323-3131
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Romelia Lezon on
45 minutes in a line that didn't move only to find out that the entire club was empty. Luckily a friend was able to sneak past security and scope out what was going on, and the entire place was a ghost town. Really it still necessary to make people stand outside unnecessarily to "hype" up your club? We left before wasting our money. Wouldn't it make more sense to let people in so they can actually spend money on drinks?
by Megan D. on
I loved the atmosphere of this multi-room club.  The bungalows can be private and the bartenders at the front bar were very friendly.  The crowd was a strange mix and without heavy alcohol it would have been much more difficult to enjoy myself.  The DJ seemed to have a touch of ADD, not sticking with more than 20 seconds of a single song. Overall, it was an mildly enjoyable night.  I may visit again, but I will remain in the outside area and keep away from the main room and dance floor.
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