by sammi c. on Everytime that I have been to Harlot, I have had such a blast! Is it because of the tight, sweaty dance floor? Don't think so... Is it because of the girls who come here looking like Vegas trash? Not too certain... Is it the androgenous men that I keep eye balling (until I see him freaking my fall back guy)? Yeah, probably not. I know! It's because of my kick-ass, fun lovin, lady friends!!! So then maybe this review isn't for Harlot.... my bad. MADE YOU LOOK!!! (muhaahahahahaaaaawwww)
by Odessa Youmon on The coat check lady? - Mean. Bartenders? - Condescending. 2 double Dewer's, 1 shot of Fernet and 1 Anchor Steam? - $55 The place was completely empty and the "hostess ended up removing me from my own reserved area of the club because she didn't believe that I "reserved an area". I tried to explain but she wouldn't listen. Nice design, poor atmosphere and poor hospitality. If you like bad service, Vessel is the place for you.
by Tracee D. on 80's night. More like almost 80's night with a dash of Right Said Fred, but keep drinking you won't mind. Sat. night goof off bar. You can dance with your friends like Laura Branigan and no one will rub their stash up on you. You can even dance on the benches like a freak. Great Barstaff. I like to go there already tipsy around the time when George Michael is playing -slug a thousand Amstel lights and call it exercise.