by Donald K. on I have a love hate relationship with bOb. Years ago I used to frequent here pretty much every week. The music is always spot on, and everyone is always just there to have a good time. In a time where modern hip-hop and house are starting to become indistinguishable, bOb is a breath of fresh air for it's deejays constant rotation of the "real hip-hop". Can you any of really think of any other hip-hop exclusive spot in NY anymore? It's funny that I mention how this place is a "breath of fresh air" considering that once this place get's packed that is something you will not be doing. Want to lose some pounds? Swing by bOb. Usually by midnight the crowd has double. bOb being as small as my living room it just can't handle the horde of, dare I say it, the 40 people within it's cramped walls. Buying drinks becomes the impossible dream, and you will be so drenched in sweat that you really won't be sure if it is all yours. Also, some of the drunken clientele make it annoying for me to go with my female friends as I always have to play the blocker, me being the little Asian boy that I am. Complaints aside, swinging by before the crowd hits is always a great time. 9-12 the space is pretty barren, but the music is still jamming. Perfect for a quick dance fix. If not that, don't come here until you're that drunk that you don't give a damn about all the cons I wrote about.
by Peter K. on Show up in business casual attire and you'll be fine. On a Thursday night, I had no troubles with the gate keepers. Once you get past the strict dress code (no jerseys, motorcycle club colors, baggy clothes, hats, etc), Lucky Strike is a beautiful lounge. Red felt billiard tables, tv screens and nice couches. The approach area is also lovely and uses computer automated scoring. The main bar area is not a bad place to hang out and drink with friends (pints were $7, shots a little more). I also felt the personnel (waitstaff, bartenders, front desk attendants) were courteous, friendly and professional. However this is not a bowling alley, but a lounge with lanes. Because it is new and upscale, all of the house balls are your standard "Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat" flavors, sorted by weight. I couldn't find anything over 13 lbs and there were no fingertip-drilled balls. *sigh* The shoes, as expected, were dry. You can't slide in these. The restrooms are clean and I noticed a cleaning attendant wiping the sinks; it was reminiscent of my Equinox gym days, as there was always someone cleaning. This is good. It came out to $16 per game with shoes ($11 if you brought your own). I realize paying over $10 per game is ridiculous but I knew what I was in for (birthday party for a dear friend). Located on the far west side, it is hard to justify another trip to Lucky Strike, but I'm happy to say I bowled "poorly" here once. I leave you with a moment of Zen: You got to pay to play. With love, management. ############################### ###### . - . ############################### ###### \ / ############################### ###### | _ | | | | ##################################### | = | ... (_) } ############################## ####### / oo\ | | ############################### ###### / \ ... (_) ##################################### | | ... ##################################### | | ###################################### \ ___ / ........... . . . . . /. /. ' ' ..... ..... ? ..... ..... ' ' ' ..... _____ ..... ' ' ' .... .' ##### '. .. Where are the ' / ######## \ pins going? ' |#########| \ 0 / ' \########/ | ' ' IFHTP 1 '.#####.' / \ ' '
by Mohammad Wythe on This place is great, I love venues that remind me of the Shining, with their old school appeal. Things that I love...Bartenders dressed in proper attire, a friendly woman standing in the bathroom ready to either hold your drink while you pee or hand you a towel when finished washing your hands. Since I am a wee little one and can not really see over any one I appreciate it when the stage is raised. No matter where you are in this venue you can get a proper view of what is happening.