Bacchus Kirk
925 Bush Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
San Francisco County
Phone: (415) 474-4056
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by Sunnie D. on
I totally love the atmosphere of this place and their drinks are not only named with funny, sometimes phaelic names, but the taste is amazing. The decor is out-of-this-world: blue velvet everywhere, skeletons, mexican hats, etc. just make it epic in a way, sort of like the joint I would bump into Quentin Tarantino. The parking though is a pain and this is why I didn't give them five stars.
by Nick M. on
Well, I was told about this place by a buddy, then I Rateclubed it to see what others think, and it seems like a cool place. I was there on Thursday night for the 80's night and Got Damn if every song wasn't a 'feel good sing-a-long.' I'm saying they played GHOSTBUSTERS, which automatically made it awesome in my book. There is a front room, which is the 80's stuff, and there is a back dark area which seems like it should be made up of those Goth kids from South Park who stand in a corner, taking drags off a cig and only slightly moving their body and call it dancing. Interesting idea though...if someone came in dressed like The Crow (Brandon whomever) he would be getting so much goth booty that he would have to hire one of those South Park goths to hold a 'take a ticket' machine. The bartenders were cool and quick. I was ordering 7 and 7's like they were going out of style, and the bardtender girl was doing what all BT's should, which is filling the drink right to the tip top. On that note, I would like to apologize to the very attractive girl in the black (i think) dress that I spilled my 7/7 on. It was filled to the top and I was holding it kinda high in the air NOT to bump it into someone, although not taking into account that I was fairly well trashed at the moment, this effin place is kinda crammed in there (fucker bumped into my arm). I saw a tranny in the cage...quite...fuck I don't know what, but got damn i'm glad i wasn't drunk that point or else I would have charged that foo four bucks for killing my buzz. Bottom line, this place is great, but I would recommend bringing at least 3 people, and definitely be in the mood to dance. werd.
by Nicki Brehon on
Unfortunately, this is the type of place that people who are not so "cool" will think is super-cool....the sound system is so GOD-DAMN LOUD its UNBELIEVABLE and UNBEARABLE. I think the majority of the dancers there can't really dance, the decor is not worth the millions that went in it, it is WAY TOO EXPENSIVE @ $20!!, and the crowd is cheesy. Have gone there twice and HATE IT! It only gets two stars because for Boston it is at least slightly better than some other places because they sometimes have great DJ's and I give them some props for trying. How hard can it BE to put a great place together//great music, decor, crowd...? Pales to what Gypsy Bar/Pravda used to be, and other great club nights like the old Trio. I find the energy of the crowd lacking; you don't get a good "vibe" from this place. I guess if you have more money than taste, this place is for you! :-)
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