Back Forty Lounge
15949 East Highway 40
Silver Springs, FL 34488
Marion County
Phone: (352) 625-1382
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Hours: unknown
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by Amy C. on
I went here as a guest with my friend for a rateclubs event (before I became a rateclubser myself). It was pretty exciting because we were expecting some clowns to walk around or something, but we only got one tall dude on stilts the whole night. They had a lounge area for you to just sit and chat, with an emperor like golden chair on the side for picture taking I suppose. Going inner more, there is a row of games you can play. These are pretty much the kiddy amusement park type of games, like ring toss or shoot the balloons or stuff like that, which wasn't that exciting but we were given 10 free tickets each to play since it was a special event and my friend and I used 8 for the ring toss game. (4 tickets per game.) We pretty much didn't win. Anyways, they had some guy sitting on a plank and you can take turns trying to throw a baseball into a bullseye to get him to fall into the water, but everytime it DID happen the guy didn't fall because the player "didn't throw hard enough". So pretty disappointing there, but it gathers a pretty large crowd whenever someone decides to be brave enough to go up there and try. Moving on, they also have a hidden dance area and there was NOBODY here when I found it. It has lots of lounge couches and great music playing so even if you're not up for dancing you can sit there with a date and just talk sweet things to each other. Overall, this place was just okay for me, but if you're up for those amusement type of games that you stopped playing like 15 years ago then go ahead and give it a try. The tickets, however, are a bit pricey, so if you plan to go with a date and he/she sucks at games, I suggest you go somewhere else and save yourself some money. Each game costs at least 4 tickets and that's like $10 or more, so imagine.. $10 for one game which lasts like 3 minutes. But if you have the money or feel the need to splurge, then go right ahead.
by Paul D. on
Spacious interior with rock and roll ambiance, but a little too exclusive for the overall offering. We got in without the $40 cover that night for a special event because a friend in the headlining band put us all on the list - I doubt that I would have paid to get in. The jointly owned restaurant next door is way too into itself and really does not have good food. That said, the show-space itself would be a great spot to throw a private party, and the stage allows for plenty of room to dance while offering ample table space in the rear and on elevated booth platforms near the entrance.
by Brandee Rumbo on
I really wavered as to how many stars to give this place: on the one hand, I wanted to give it one star just to mess with the emotions of Aiden B. (scroll down) who bought me and Ed here and who loves it so much OF COURSE I can' t resist wanting to give this place a bad review. But, I must be true to my heart and honestly this is actually a really cool bar and gives me serious NYC bar cravings with it's mega urban location (smack dab in the middle of the TL) and dark, fantastically lit, sexy interior.  And lest you think you are living in some hipster version of Sex and The City and get too pleased with yourself, if you get rejected by the object of your affection, you can eat away your emotions with their cute little gourmet-ish pizzas made in a convection oven. Luckily, that didn't happen to me. But you know, it's nice to know that it's available.
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