Backdraught Bar & Grille
24775 Lorain Road
North Olmsted, OH 44070
Cuyahoga County
Phone: (440) 979-1930
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Larissa A. on
I was here for a rock show recently on what I think was the 3rd(?) floor. It was a big room and the sound was decent (at least until dance night started downstairs) Drinks, as expected were pricey, thankfully I don't go to rock shows to get drunk. $15 for a drink and a soda. The staff INSIDE was awesome, friendly and attentive. The outside staff was stoic and barely looked at me, reading others reviews here I bet this was more of the dance club staff opposed to the music venue staff since there was an OBVIOUS difference.
by tiphanie b. on
yeah, use to be awesome. but maybe not. i don't really remember. i think i just always really loved the super strong martinis. otherwise, overrated. completely. but, recently i did come to learn that the hot dog here is better than roosevelt. which is saying a lot.
by Deonna Patchin on
Being a working professional it pains me to go out on a weekday and have a terrible night because if I'm going to pay for it in the office the next day, I want to have that secret smile that I had a great time the night before... Rest up young buck, because Monday and even Wed. are your nights here at Cielo - (I'm sure good times are had on other occasions, these are the days I've attended). The space is sufficient to host a good crowd, booths if you want that bottle, a back yard space for that smoke and social, and enough room to find your groove patch... this place is set up to dance with a system stacked to accomplish this... as reviewers said before, there's no walk ways or fancy entrances to make any appearances... just go and get down.  Thank you deep space!
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