401 North 1st Street
Brownfield, TX 79316
Terry County
Phone: (806) 637-0510
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by Bobette Hiett on
The decor is amazing as is the vibe. Definitely the place to dress up 20s style and go for a few drinks. Lots of excellent choices of Absinthe as well. Would recommend getting a table, that way can enjoy the music and appetizers. Book a week or more in advance and pay attention to the dress code.
by Marhta Fenton on
I've only been to Star Bar a couple of times (sorry, I'm not a music genius) on Monday nights for their comedy open mike. When I first went, there were about 20 people in the audience (not including the comics). When I went last Monday, there were about 60 people in the audience. Looks like open mike at Star Bar is blowing up! I've been served by two bartenders who were equally cool although I do kind of favor the one with the big curly afro (sue me, I like big curly afros, especially on white guys). On these nights, I haven't been drinking alcohol and sometimes a bartender will diss you when you're not drinking beer or liquor but these guys didn't do that (but I did tip them as if I'd gotten an alcoholic beverage - service is service). Parking is plentiful and free on Monday nights (other nights someone will harass you for money, especially on the weekends). As of this writing there is no cover for the Monday open mike. The only downside is the smoke. I don't smoke, but it seemed like everyone else in the building did. I left about an hour and a half and felt like I'd probably sacrificed a third of a lung in there. In summary, it's a good vibe and a good intimate venue for comedy, so check it out!
by Suzanne B. on
Seattle has a love affair with cheese. Seriously! I came to Ibiza because of a tip from a local Ratecluber, and because we walked by earlier in the day and snuck a look at the wine menu. Settling in with friends for cocktails and dinner, the conversation went something like this: Friend #1: What do you want to try? Friend #2 (not so secret cheese lover): Did you see they have a cheese steward? Waitress: Would you like to see our list of cheeses? Friend #3: Yes, or we'll never hear the end of it. Waitress (brings back a large folder and places it on the table): So there are 25 cheeses on the lis- F#2: Twenty-five?! Me: Now we're in trouble... F #2 (after glaze-eyed look through list): You choose. F#1: You don't want to...? F#2: It's too much, I can't decide. F#3 (laughing): I never thought I would hear that... So we ordered several cheeses, a bottle of wine suggested by our fantastic waitress, more appetizers and had a grand feast. We left before the music started, which was too bad, but as all of us were approaching dairy-induced coma it was the right decision. Twenty-five cheese choices - why do I not live up here?
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