BADA Bing Party Planners
144 West Broadway
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Pottawattamie County
Phone: (712) 256-2725
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Yadira Hethcox on
I don't come here much because I'm usually too drunk and tired to take another sip by the time the real bar closes and everyone's ready to take it to the next level at the Republican. I used to be a marathoner, but I've somehow become a sprint drinker. And I wish I wasn't. Real next-level shit goes on at the Republican. I don't recall ever seeing people shit-faced there that don't know how to be shit-faced, if you know what I mean. People who keep their cool. Pros. People who drink till 3:00 in the morning, then go home and do the dishes and pay the bills kind of people. Not "puking in the bathroom after 3 shots of yeager" people. There's also coke, but probably not the kind you'd want to do. Not like, say, Denim coke. There are strippers there but I don't think anyone really cares that they're there. Going to the Republican for the strippers is like getting a hooker for the conversation, or going to a marijuana dispensary because you have glaucoma. Like others have said, the beers are expensive, but that's OK -- if you've done it right you're already drunk when you get there. You wouldn't be there if you weren't.
by Betty Fairman on
Definitely worth checking out, just be patient with crowds. Oh and don't let the staff lie to you about there not being any food nearby....there is Subway and some fake Mexican food joint.
by Anita C. on
Beware of the stairs! I tripped. It sucked. Maybe it wasn't for those stairs, I would have had a better time. I was super psyched to go there!
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