Bada Bing
913 N 2nd
Lawrence, KS 66044
Douglas County
Phone: (785) 841-4122
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
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by Candace L. on
good place for people to meet up before going out. interesting fireplace set up and bar. my friend ordered a brownie sundae thing that was pretty melted and eaten by the time i got there, but man, was it good. it was really rich, but i couldn't stop eating it. it had chocolate chunks and nuts...and wasn't all that sweet, which i really liked. i guess this rating is mostly for that dessert.
by Matt F. on
After my second visit here, I have decided to write a review.... I love this place! Great atmosphere and floor plan. Ceiling high speakers, crazy light shows and two bars! I have noticed that the place does not get too packed, but still has a great turn out. Drinks are fairly priced in my opp. Another added benefit is that they have a coat check and a little smoking area out front. I plan on coming back to see future shows.
by Ephraim T. on
Two Words: Mexican Martinis. Even though you're only allowed two, there are four Trudy's bar/restaurants in town. You do the math, oh yeah, and convince a friend to stay sober to drive you. The food is decent and the chips and salsa are great, especially since they serve both a red and green with the chips. I find that the green chili chicken tacos are especially delicious. Yum. The only real downer about Trudy's is that it the music tends to be pretty loud. That and the fact that sometimes you go and its crowded, but if you avoid peak times, or get there before the rush, you're set. Parking is also difficult sometimes, but if you're really desperate for that Mexican Martini goodness, I'm sure you'll find a way.
by Hoyt Corbin on
The big shocker here was using the restroom at 2 AM and finding toilet paper and not vomit. The mixed crowd is a lot of fun for people-watching, and the place stays open until 4 AM. How can you argue with 4 AM? The large patio in the back is a good place to talk, and also useful if your group has some smokers (yuck).
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