by Marya Szczurek on **If you stumbled home with a brown blazer with a velvety-smooth finish on 12/18, send me a message! Someone accidentally took my friend's coat from coat check and he'd love to get it back. I've been here twice now. Once on a Thursday night (thumbs way down) to see B.o.B. back in May and again last Saturday (mostly thumbs up) when DJ Solarz was spinning. POOR EXPECTATION MANAGEMENT: That Thursday night adventure was pretty miserable (followed by the most miserable Friday at work of all time). Friends and I called Manor West separately and were all told we should definitely get there by 10:30 for the B.o.B. performance. We stupidly believed them and may or may not have had so many Redbull-vodkas while trying to kill the time that we essentially missed his 2 song performance when he finally came on around 1:30am or something absurd. The fact that the DJ was so terrible we couldn't dance off the drinks was poor as well. HOLDING THE LINE: I'd say you need to be in line by 10:15 if you want to get in for free via the guest list. Friend and I got there about that time and they still held us for 15 mins or so and of course it was empty when we got in. The rest of our group arrived around 10:30 and spent 20 mins standing near the entrance where everyone was held until just after 11pm. $$$ DISORGANIZED COAT CHECK: The girl working the coat check on Saturday was friendly and fast enough when I went to give/get my coat (got there early, left a little early) but I saw one wasted girl rummaging through the closet looking for her coat and the girl "in charge" failed to do much. Then they lost my friend's coat, and he said while waiting he saw someone rummaging through the closet as well. You'd think the girl would be more vigilant about keeping people out of the closet for her personal safety at the very least. Please add a bouncer during peak times or secure the door and don't let people walk away with others' belongings. CAPABLE BARTENDERS: Didn't have much trouble getting a drink (win for me and for the club) since the bars were thankfully well-staffed with fast and friendly bartenders. ($9 for my Maker's on the rocks.) NICE LAYOUT: The venue itself is very nice - polished without being overly trendy and the separated bar and dancefloor let you choose if you want to woo your potential lover with a charming conversation or your dashing dance skills.
by Leanna Anania on Usually people would debate whether to go to Hiro or Circle on a typical Friday / Saturday night. Sorry Hiro, but I would much rather go to Circle. This place is pretty fun, no question about it. However, the dance floor setup is a little weird because there are tables that are almost on the dance floor. So you get tired dancers that sit down randomly on other people's tables, or you get energetic dancers that keep getting blockaded from the tables. The music is pretty damn good as well, so don't worry about the music here. Although very rarely, the DJ puts up a fail non-dance song. The clientèle is normal like any other club, and it's mostly asian on Fridays / Saturdays. There's less douche guys here than Circle, so I guess that's good for girls :P