by Claire P. on Getting in for free on a Sat. night without waiting in line and being the first ppl in the club merits a star in and of itself. Other that- good mixed crowd, good drinks, weird decor [not a fan of the decor], very typical Hollywood. Not the classiest place, but hey it's a club in Hollywood.....
by Clint Perone on LOVE this place. It's a hole in the wall, cheap drinks, great music, and amazing fun. It's for the simple folks, no frills, a place where you can wear jeans and converse shoes and fit right in. For a fun, casual, dancing night out, this is the place to goooooo!
by Sammy S. on The bartender almost made my male friend (and possibly a whole table of soccer players) cry. Never, I say, NEVER try to open the popcorn machine door when this little hussy is around. She'll promptly snap your head off like the praying mantis she is. If you're lucky, she may even call you an asshole, for FREE! But the beer was cold, the popcorn was light and fluffy, with a plenty of half-popped kernels for me to crack my teeth on (I love me some half-pops), and the majority of the men are wearing tank-tops (in January?). The Final Final is ok by me as long as there are men in tank-tops to mock within earshot...ya, I'm mean. But tank-tops? really?