by Kimberly P. on Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous. The lounge on Fridays is perfection. No cover, and an open bar from 10-11.....what else can you ask for? I'll tell you. HOOOOT bartenders and fabulous music. 2 floors, and a great atmosphere. I've been twice and absolutely love it.
by InfodivaMLIS B. on 5 un-mitagated stars This is not just a place with leather-clad freaks. It is a leather-community home....a casa... and it is a family. I luvs ya'll see ya soon. \Cit"a*del\, n. [F. citadelle, It. citadella, dim. of citt city, fr. L. civitas. See City.] A fortress in or near a fortified city, commanding the city and fortifications, and intended as a final point of defense. --Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary SF Citadel is a dual level 5,400 square foot facility, well equipped for a variety of uses, featuring: Social area, with plush sofas and loveseats Fully functioning kitchen Two restrooms Multipurpose space for meeting, workshops & other small gatherings Separate dining area However, the SF Citadel is better known as the Bay area's premiere Community Dungeon Play Space. The facility is equipped with St. Andrew's Crosses, spanking benches, bondage tables, swings, spreader bars and beams for suspension bondage play, recovery space, futon mats, outlets for electrical play, cages and much, much more. It is home to some of the region's sexiest, kinkiest men & women and the centerpiece of the San Francisco BDSM Community. We host numerous public parties, special events, and classes highlighting a wide variety of kinks. Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned veteran, SF Citadel has something for everyone. From The SF Citadel's Page The History of the SF Citadel: Phil and August have been involved in the Bay Area BDSM community for many years. We were Officers in The Society of Janus as well as regular attendees of private and public BDSM events. In 1993, we started Fandango, which was an open play party following Lady Thorns "SM Community Exchange" held three times a year. There were a couple of years San Francisco's dungeons had closed, We had the desire to bring Fandango back to San Francisco and keep it there, which meant finding a permanent location to host in. One day, a good friend of ours enlightened us on a building someone she knew had moved out of and might be interested in letting us use for Fandango. The location: 245 8th Street. During that time, Phil came up with an interesting idea "Why not open a permanent community dungeon in SF!" Peter Acworth, who owns Hogtied, owned the building and had just moved into another space on 5th and Mission St. He was willing to lease the 8th Street location to us and helped us get started. Originally The SF Citadel was a 3-person business partnership, one of the business partners eventually left. A handful of volunteers donated countless hours and valuable trade skills to help get things together, and various community organizations even donated personal equipment from their home dungeons to us until we were able to build our own. SM Odyssey loaned us their stored equipment for the first three months of our operation. We can't thank them enough. Daddy Harry, a licensed contractor dove in head first with his skills and his energy. Others jumped in to make sure we would be ready for our opening night Fandango party. On December 14, 2003 the SF Citadel officially opened its doors. Things took off very quickly--the concept was a success and we had lots of support from many different groups within the community; coming out every weekend to socialize, play, educate, learn and to just feel good with having a place to call their own, a place where they could be who they wanted to be without judgment. However, Phil and I soon had a major dilemma on our hands...the building was being sold, and we needed to find a new location quickly---we had only 6 MONTHS to do this! Talk about being under pressure! Exactly 2 weeks before the lease was up---and exactly 2 weeks before Folsom Street Fair 2005, we were blessed with finding our present location at 1277 Mission Street. Today's SF Citadel plays a major role in the SF Bay Area BDSM community, as we are now world-renowned for our high-energy parties and themed events, and for our informative workshops featuring many prominent instructors.
by Heath Frasch on My Marquee experience has been limited to 3 media parties, so I have no idea what it is like on a typical evening. It's nice, but I'm not overly impressed. It does not strike me as worth the hype and strict door policy. The coat check is impossible to get to because they leave only a narrow 10 foot hallway to approach the two coat check people, leading to long lines and pushing. The main room has a few booths arranged in an open square shape. There is a bar along the right wall and smaller bar areas in the back and upstairs. These spots seem great for private parties. The music is pretty lame and the decor is fun, but nothing unusual. The place reminds me of PM, but with a more awkward layout.