Bamboo Beer Garden
13025 Village Boulevard
Saint Petersburg, FL 33708
Pinellas County
Phone: (727) 397-2415
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by J C. on
Awesome Decor and great drinks.  That's why I gave it two stars. But making me wait in line for over an hour and it isn't even filled to capacity?!?!!? Ridiculous. Terrible music.  Played maybe 1 or 2 songs that I wanted to dance to. Oh yeah, no cover charge...Might explain the waiting in line nonsense.
by Julia G. on
Dude, I was here on a WEDNESDAY NIGHT and it was packed! The question begged to be answered: How did what felt like half the city end up at this club on such a random night? Don't people have any responsibilities? Husbands? Surely not says the women dressed in mini's so short that it really couldn't be classified as such, but more along the lines of a t-shirt that rests precariously above the whoo-ha. Wives? Hell no says the swanky and smooth businessmen enjoying a night out after a long day of Hump Day action at work. Dogs? A resounding who gives a crap - they can manage a night on their own. Jobs? Yup, but going to work or school hung over is underrated. What's my excuse? Well...I never said I had one.
by Kasha Palaspas on
2 words: Kill Bill Love the decorations, although the lion head above the stage is oddly the one Chinese thing in a Japanese themed room. Just got back from a live performance (Emily Haines) at this spot, and I liked the venue quite a bit. Good sound system, good layout - I got there early enough to find myself a seat, which eventually hurt my butt big time because it was wooden and completely straight-backed and the guy in front of me kept shifting his fathead so I had to shuffle left and right in my seat to avoid his head.. ending up making squeaky butt sounds as I shifted about my seat. But, I digress. Good venue for smaller live music acts. Not sure how it is for a dance club. Probably like everything else in this area..
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