Banjo's Club 109 Bar & Casino
109 Main Street
Scobey, MT 59263
Daniels County
Phone: (406) 487-2611
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Hours: unknown
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by Mary J. on
The venue is very classy and has great lighting for a club. I love the music on any night that I have been. They have some really good DJs. The drinks are 18 dollars for a vodka/soda. It is one of the hardest clubs to get into. You either have a table, know someone who has a table, go with a promoter, and other than that it is hit or miss if you are going to be able to get in. Very attractive crowd and very tall. Once you are inside you will have a blast!
by Michelle Belsito on
I have very little to say about Phoenix Landing that isn't summed up by one word: radiawesome. The Thursday Drum 'n Bass Night, Elements, is truly excellent - the music is hot, the crowd is very cool (lots of regulars) and it's just a whole hell of a lot of fun even if you aren't into the music. Do yourself a favor and go, frequently. I'll sum up the place with a story: Two years ago my roommate and I were here for Christmas Eve and looking for something to do. We drove around, and the only place we saw open was Avalon. Avalon on Christmas Eve? As Tyra would say, hell-to-the-no. Luckily, we stumbled upon Phoenix Landing when we came back to Cambridge because a few people happened to be loitering outside. We went in, and ordered a few drinks. I waved a $20 bill in the bartender's face, and he said that all drinks were FREE. FREE OPEN BAR ON CHRISTMAS EVE. Pause for a second. Free open bar, at a cool place that is hella stocked? Merry-effing-Christmas! My roommate and I proceeded to order some of the most messed up drink mixes ever (the Courvoisier White Russian was pretty good) and had a really good time. The moral of the story is that any bar that has an open bar for the neighborhood on any day, but particularly on Christmas Eve, deserves your love and affection.
by Lula Mae W. on
Two drink minimum = two stars.
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