by A J. on I really enjoyed this place. The service was good, the short ribs and the cocktails were excellent and the atmosphere is relaxing. It isn't in the best location for street traffic, which is unfortunate, since I think it'd be a hot spot if it were better situated. I would, however, make the trip there since it's definitely worth it! Will definitely go back.
by Raul Tainter on Saturday night, after clubbing till the wee hours of the morning, we were dragged to Avalon for "after hours". I don't remember if it was $35 per person or for all 4 of us. I guess that'd be an important detail to remember...but whoever paid is going to be surprised where all their money went. It was tons of people of all ages, all races, and super loud techno music. It was like a giant indoor rave. There was an upstairs for looking out onto the downstairs dancerfloor, which is pretty huge. They've also got go-go dancers, I think that's what the people upstairs were gawking at instead of dancing downstairs. The stadium seating was handy for resting tired feet. There's a small area outside for smokers, but you can't really hang out there.
by jenn h. on So much potential... SO MUCH potential! After all, this is the same Buddha Bar they've got over there in tres chic Paris. The bouncer was simply turning people away, stating that if we didn't have dinner reservations, we wouldn't be getting in. Didn't $12 per drink afford us some standing space? We're small people, so we wouldn't be taking up much room. Puh-leeeze??? We finally got in, and after all that hype, I was expecting diamonds to be falling from the ceiling as I was surrounded by model beautiful people who would make me feel way unworthy. Instead, we found ourselves sitting next to a girl who must have found her outfit at Hookers R Us. No joke - she was wearing a mini lace dress in a garish orangey red with huge cutouts on the sides a la Sheryl Crow (but add a lot of extra flesh), and on her feet were matching stilettos with gladiator laces running up her calves. She was a spectacle. I yelled in rateclubser Camilla C's ear, "These people aren't from here, are they?" Not that I was from New York, but I knew not to wear my Folsom Street Fair outfit to the swanky bars there. The rest of the crowd was better... but not by much. They did have a big, gold Buddha in what felt like a shoulda woulda coulda been a cool bar. As we exited to find a better scene, I rubbed his belly and wished for better days ahead for this bar.