2344 Willow Passage Road
Bay Point, CA 94565
Contra Costa County
Phone: (925) 458-2330
Fax: unknownWebsite: no website on fileEmail: no email on fileHours: unknown
by Afton T. on
went to nightlife for the 2nd time last night-and enjoyed it much more than the 1st time. The 1st was back when they first started doing it and tickets sold out dayyys before the event-so needless to say it was crazy packed. But now that it has calmed down, its crowded enough to be fun, but not crazy insane, cant-even-move packed. Got there about 7, checked our coats and began roaming! Unfortunately, the planetarium was already booked for the evening :/ oh well-the pengiuns were getting it on hardcore-obvious highlight of the evening! I love the fact that there are no kids-give me a break, I'm short, a lot of kids are taller than me and block my view-but can't say anything because they're "kids". I'd say sign up for the planetarium early, feel free to skip the living roof (at night) and try your hardest to see the octopus-he's a crazy guy!! And duh, booze is crazy expensive, so drink on your way / before, and maybe bring some of your own ;)
by Rosella Heintzman on
the highlands on a saturday night, we got there around 11:30 and the line was hella long. so come early. getting a table will get you in with the quickness. so get one. it was pretty crowded but not crowded to the point where you felt like you were wiping on someone else's body sweat. the main room is pretty big, the music pretty eclectic (in the sense that it's not all mainstream hip hip). the side room was playing techno for a bit then hip hop, and the back room was mainly hip-hip. the crowd was pretty diverse.
by jenn h. on
So much potential... SO MUCH potential! After all, this is the same Buddha Bar they've got over there in tres chic Paris. The bouncer was simply turning people away, stating that if we didn't have dinner reservations, we wouldn't be getting in. Didn't $12 per drink afford us some standing space? We're small people, so we wouldn't be taking up much room. Puh-leeeze??? We finally got in, and after all that hype, I was expecting diamonds to be falling from the ceiling as I was surrounded by model beautiful people who would make me feel way unworthy. Instead, we found ourselves sitting next to a girl who must have found her outfit at Hookers R Us. No joke - she was wearing a mini lace dress in a garish orangey red with huge cutouts on the sides a la Sheryl Crow (but add a lot of extra flesh), and on her feet were matching stilettos with gladiator laces running up her calves. She was a spectacle. I yelled in rateclubser Camilla C's ear, "These people aren't from here, are they?" Not that I was from New York, but I knew not to wear my Folsom Street Fair outfit to the swanky bars there. The rest of the crowd was better... but not by much. They did have a big, gold Buddha in what felt like a shoulda woulda coulda been a cool bar. As we exited to find a better scene, I rubbed his belly and wished for better days ahead for this bar.